simyan.schemas package

Module contents

simyan.schemas package entry file.


simyan.schemas.generic_entries module

The GenericEntries module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • GenericEntry

  • CountEntry

  • IssueEntry

  • CreatorEntry

  • ImageEntry

class simyan.schemas.generic_entries.CountEntry(*, api_detail_url: str, id: int, name: str = None, site_detail_url: str = None, count: int)

Bases: GenericEntry

The CountEntry object contains generic information with an added count field.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will raise an error, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'forbid'
count: int
class simyan.schemas.generic_entries.CreatorEntry(*, api_detail_url: str, id: int, name: str = None, site_detail_url: str = None, role: str)

Bases: GenericEntry

The CreatorEntry object contains generic information with an added roles field.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will raise an error, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'forbid'
property role_list: List[str]

List of roles the Creator has used.

roles: str

separated by \n.

class simyan.schemas.generic_entries.GenericEntry(*, api_detail_url: str, id: int, name: str = None, site_detail_url: str = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The GenericEntry object contains generic information.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will raise an error, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'forbid'
api_url: str

Url to the ComicVine API.

id_: int

Identifier used in ComicVine.

name: Optional[str]
site_url: Optional[str]

Url to the ComicVine Website.

class simyan.schemas.generic_entries.ImageEntry(*, icon_url: str, medium_url: str, screen_url: str, screen_large_url: str, small_url: str, super_url: str, thumb_url: str, tiny_url: str, original_url: str, image_tags: str = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The ImageEntry object contains image information.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will raise an error, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'forbid'
icon: str

Url to image of Icon size.

medium: str

Url to image of Medium size.

original: str

Url to image of Original size.

screen: str

Url to image of Screen size.

screen_large: str

Url to image of Screen Large size.

small: str

Url to image of Small size.

super: str

Url to image of Super size.

tags: Optional[str]
thumbnail: str

Url to image of Thumbnail size.

tiny: str

Url to image of Tiny size.

class simyan.schemas.generic_entries.IssueEntry(*, api_detail_url: str, id: int, name: str = None, site_detail_url: str = None, issue_number: str = None)

Bases: GenericEntry

The IssueEntry object contains generic information with an added number field.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will raise an error, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'forbid'
number: Optional[str]

simyan.schemas.publisher module

The Publisher module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • Publisher

class simyan.schemas.publisher.Publisher(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, characters: List[GenericEntry] = None, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, description: str = None, id: int, image: ImageEntry, location_address: str = None, location_city: str = None, location_state: str = None, name: str, site_detail_url: str, story_arcs: List[GenericEntry] = None, deck: str = None, teams: List[GenericEntry] = None, volumes: List[GenericEntry] = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The Publisher object contains information for a publisher.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Publisher has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Publisher has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the Comicvine API.

characters: List[GenericEntry]

List of characters the Publisher created.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Publisher was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Publisher was updated on Comicvine.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Publisher.

id_: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Publisher.

location_address: Optional[str]

Address of the Publisher.

location_city: Optional[str]

City where the Publisher is.

location_state: Optional[str]

State where the Publisher is.

name: str

Name/Title of the Publisher.

publisher_id: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

site_url: str

Url to the Comicvine Website.

story_arcs: List[GenericEntry]

List of story arcs the Publisher created.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Publisher.

teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of teams the Publisher created.

volumes: List[GenericEntry]

List of volumes the Publisher created.

simyan.schemas.volume module

The Volume module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • Volume

class simyan.schemas.volume.Volume(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, characters: List[CountEntry] = None, concepts: List[CountEntry] = None, people: List[CountEntry] = None, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, description: str = None, first_issue: IssueEntry = None, id: int, image: ImageEntry, count_of_issues: int, issues: List[IssueEntry] = None, last_issue: IssueEntry = None, locations: List[CountEntry] = None, name: str, objects: List[CountEntry] = None, publisher: GenericEntry = None, site_detail_url: str, start_year: int = None, deck: str = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The Volume object contains information for a volume.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Volume has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Volume has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the Comicvine API.

characters: List[CountEntry]

List of characters in the Volume.

concepts: List[CountEntry]

List of concepts in the Volume.

creators: List[CountEntry]

List of creators in the Volume.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Volume was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Volume was updated on Comicvine.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Volume.

first_issue: Optional[IssueEntry]

First issue of the Volume.

id_: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Volume.

issue_count: int

Number of issues in the Volume.

issues: List[IssueEntry]

List of issues in the Volume.

last_issue: Optional[IssueEntry]

Last issue of the Volume.

locations: List[CountEntry]

List of locations in the Volume.

name: str

Name/Title of the Volume.

objects: List[CountEntry]

List of objects in the Volume.

publisher: Optional[GenericEntry]

The publisher of the Volume.

site_url: str

Url to the Comicvine Website.

start_year: Optional[int]

The year the Volume started.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Volume.

volume_id: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

simyan.schemas.issue module

The Issue module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • Issue

class simyan.schemas.issue.Issue(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, character_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, concept_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, cover_date: date = None, person_credits: List[CreatorEntry] = None, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, character_died_in: List[GenericEntry] = None, description: str = None, first_appearance_characters: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appearance_concepts: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appearance_locations: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appearance_objects: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appearance_storyarcs: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appearance_teams: List[GenericEntry] = None, id: int, image: ImageEntry, location_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, name: str = None, issue_number: str, object_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, site_detail_url: str, store_date: date = None, story_arc_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, deck: str = None, team_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, team_disbanded_in: List[GenericEntry] = None, volume: GenericEntry)

Bases: BaseModel

The Issue object contains information for an issue.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Issue has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Issue has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the Comicvine API.

characters: List[GenericEntry]

List of Characters in the Issue.

concepts: List[GenericEntry]

List of Concepts in the Issue.

cover_date: Optional[date]

Date on the cover of the Issue.

creators: List[CreatorEntry]

List of Creators in the Issue.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Issue was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Issue was updated on Comicvine.

deaths: List[GenericEntry]

List of characters who died in the Issue.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Issue.

first_appearance_characters: List[GenericEntry]

List of characters who first appear in the Issue.

first_appearance_concepts: List[GenericEntry]

List of concepts which first appear in the Issue.

first_appearance_locations: List[GenericEntry]

List of locations which first appear in the Issue.

first_appearance_objects: List[GenericEntry]

List of objects which first appear in the Issue.

first_appearance_story_arcs: List[GenericEntry]

List of story arcs which start in the Issue.

first_appearance_teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of teams which first appear in the Issue.

id_: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Issue.

issue_id: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

locations: List[GenericEntry]

List of Locations in the Issue.

name: Optional[str]

Name/Title of the Issue.

number: str

The Issue number.

objects: List[GenericEntry]

List of Objects in the Issue.

site_url: str

Url to the Comicvine Website.

store_date: Optional[date]

Date the Issue went on sale on stores.

story_arcs: List[GenericEntry]

List of Story Arcs in the Issue.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Issue.

teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of Teams in the Issue.

teams_disbanded: List[GenericEntry]

List of Teams Disbanded in the Issue.

volume: GenericEntry

The volume the Issue is in.

simyan.schemas.story_arc module

The StoryArc module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • StoryArc

class simyan.schemas.story_arc.StoryArc(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, description: str = None, first_appeared_in_issue: IssueEntry, id: int, image: ImageEntry, count_of_isssue_appearances: int, issues: List[GenericEntry] = None, name: str, publisher: GenericEntry, site_detail_url: str, deck: str = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The StoryArc object contains information for a story arc.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Story Arc has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Story Arc has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the Comicvine API.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Story Arc was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Story Arc was updated on Comicvine.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Story Arc.

first_issue: IssueEntry

First issue of the Story Arc.

id_: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Story Arc.

issue_count: int

Number of issues in the Story Arc.

issues: List[GenericEntry]

List of issues in the Story Arc.

name: str

Name/Title of the Story Arc.

publisher: GenericEntry

The publisher of the Story Arc.

site_url: str

Url to the Comicvine Website.

story_arc_id: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Story Arc.

simyan.schemas.creator module

The Creator module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • Creator

class simyan.schemas.creator.Creator(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, created_characters: List[GenericEntry] = None, country: str = None, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, birth: date = None, death: date = None, description: str = None, email: str = None, gender: int, hometown: str = None, id: int, image: ImageEntry, count_of_isssue_appearances: int = None, issues: List[GenericEntry] = None, name: str, site_detail_url: str, story_arc_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, deck: str = None, volume_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, website: str = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The Creator object contains information for a creator.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Creator has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Creator has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the Comicvine API.

characters: List[GenericEntry]

List of characters the Creator has created.

country: Optional[str]

Country where the Creator is from.

creator_id: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Creator was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Creator was updated on Comicvine.

date_of_birth: Optional[date]

Date when the Creator was born.

date_of_death: Optional[date]

Date when the Creator died.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Creator.

email: Optional[str]

Email address of the Creator.

gender: int

Creator gender.

hometown: Optional[str]

Hometown of the Creator.

id_: int

Identifier used in Comicvine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Creator.

issue_count: Optional[int]

Number of issues the Creator appears in.

issues: List[GenericEntry]

List of issues the Creator appears in.

name: str

Name of the Creator.

site_url: str

Url to the Comicvine Website.

story_arcs: List[GenericEntry]

List of story arcs the Creator appears in.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Creator.

volumes: List[GenericEntry]

List of volumes the Creator appears in.

website: Optional[str]

Url to the Creator’s website.

simyan.schemas.character module

The Character module.

This module provides the following classes:

  • Character

class simyan.schemas.character.Character(*, aliases: str = None, api_detail_url: str, creators: List[GenericEntry] = None, date_added: datetime, date_last_updated: datetime, birth: date = None, issues_died_in: List[GenericEntry] = None, description: str = None, character_enemies: List[GenericEntry] = None, team_enemies: List[GenericEntry] = None, first_appeared_in_issue: IssueEntry, team_friends: List[GenericEntry] = None, character_friends: List[GenericEntry] = None, gender: int, id: int, image: ImageEntry, count_of_issue_appearances: int = None, issue_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, name: str, origin: GenericEntry = None, powers: List[GenericEntry] = None, publisher: GenericEntry, real_name: str = None, site_detail_url: str, story_arc_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None, deck: str = None, teams: List[GenericEntry] = None, volume_credits: List[GenericEntry] = None)

Bases: BaseModel

The Character object contains information for a character.

class Config

Bases: object

Any extra fields will be ignored, strings will have start/end whitespace stripped.

anystr_strip_whitespace = True
extra = 'ignore'
property alias_list: List[str]

List of names the Character has used.

aliases: Optional[str]

List of names the Character has used, separated by \n.

api_url: str

Url to the ComicVine API.

character_id: int

Identifier used in ComicVine.

creators: List[GenericEntry]

List of creators which worked on the Character.

date_added: datetime

Date and time when the Character was added to Comicvine.

date_last_updated: datetime

Date and time when the Character was updated on Comicvine.

date_of_birth: Optional[date]

Date when the Character was born.

deaths: List[GenericEntry]

List of times when the Character has died.

description: Optional[str]

Long description of the Character.

enemies: List[GenericEntry]

List of enemies the Character has.

enemy_teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of enemy teams the Character has.

first_issue: IssueEntry

First issue the Character appeared in.

friendly_teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of friendly teams the Character has.

friends: List[GenericEntry]

List of friends the Character has.

gender: int

Character gender.

id_: int

Identifier used in ComicVine.

image: ImageEntry

Different sized images, posters and thumbnails for the Character.

issue_count: Optional[int]

Number of issues the Character appears in.

issues: List[GenericEntry]

List of issues the Character appears in.

name: str

Real name or public identity of Character.

origin: Optional[GenericEntry]

The type of Character.

powers: List[GenericEntry]

List of powers the Character has.

publisher: GenericEntry

The publisher of the Character.

real_name: Optional[str]

Name of the Character.

site_url: str

Url to the ComicVine Website.

story_arcs: List[GenericEntry]

List of story arcs the Character appears in.

summary: Optional[str]

Short description of the Character.

teams: List[GenericEntry]

List of teams the Character appears in.

volumes: List[GenericEntry]

List of volumes the Character appears in.